When the click on the tag leads to another page.
When using the removable
variant, the tag gets a "Remove" icon. It can be either a button or a link, dependening on your need.
Removable tag
Fullscreen<span class="ecl-tag ecl-tag--removable">Removable tag<button type="button" aria-label="Dismiss"
class="ecl-tag__icon"><svg focusable="false" aria-hidden="true" class="ecl-tag__icon-close ecl-icon ecl-icon--xs">
<use xlink:href="/dist/media/icons.1dbe9812.svg#ui--close"></use>
</svg><svg focusable="false" aria-hidden="true" class="ecl-tag__icon-close-filled ecl-icon ecl-icon--xs">
<use xlink:href="/dist/media/icons.1dbe9812.svg#ui--close-filled"></use>
Try it yourself on the playground